Honor your ANAHATA for Your Heart Emotions
Learn and focus to release past emotions that no longer serve you. Scrub these negative feelings and be open. Known as Anahata in Sanskrit meaning 'unhurt, unstuck, and unbeaten.' Don't unintentionally build a wall around your heart to guard from the joys of loving and giving love. When you focus on healing heart emotions you will attract joy, love, and laughter.
In the crystal world, green and pink gemstones vibrate this love energy. Keep your heart chakra balanced with healing energy gemstones. I choose 4 beautiful green gemstones today for you! Invite some amazing green gemstones into your space. Wearing these energy gemstones, you can foster and be reminded that you too can attract the love you want and desire.
4 Amazing Green Crystal Gemstones
I love these 4 gemstones for this journey. Included are Amazonite, Peridot, Malachite, and Aventurine but no limited to.
Amazonite is your Warrior gemstone
Called the stone of courage and truth, this gemstone heals the heart chakra and empowers you to move beyond fear. Be your true authentic self. Focus to express your thoughts and feelings without becoming emotional. This lovely green striated stone fosters harmony and strength, aiding your to set boundaries for healthy relationships. Learn to be more open-minded and to accept differences of perspectives. Set your intentions with setting boundaries, and inviting harmony in your journey.
Amazonite gemstone is a fantastic crystal for meetings and gatherings. So keep it close at hand in your working space. When used as a meditation tool, place this stone on your chest, healing the heart chakra by releasing toxic emotions. Temper aggressive reactions and foster loving communication. This will increase inner harmony, balance, and love.
Peridot for Love
Known as the love energy gemstone. Sun-lite green Peridot by your side will remind you to heal your heart emotions by learning to let go of anger, jealousy, guilt, obsession, and other toxic emotions.
Choose your mantra of "I carry no anger, I blame no one, I am enough."
Beautiful peridot can aid in clearing mental blocks. You will become open to the gifts of the universe. Lovely peridot attracts love and helps you understand your purpose. This mentally stimulating gemstone fosters focus and to build your confidence and self-esteem. Wear Peridot to feel motivated and have the perseverance to pursue what you want. In life, love, happiness, family, career, and or adventure, invite the joy you seek. There is little you can not achieve with the influence of Peridot for healing heart emotions.
Aventurine for Immense Opportunity
Aventurine is known as the heart healer and the stone of opportunity. This favorite gemstone aligns your intellectual, physical, emotional, and spiritual energies. Creating love, appreciation, and harmony in life. Aventurine’s energy promotes independence, leadership, perseverance, optimism, and open-mindedness. Heighten your creativity and compassion by balancing your heart chakra, (anahata). Wearing Aventurine helps you move forward in life without the fear of being emotionally hurt. Keeping you truly present in the moment without worry or stress about the future is the goal!
Malachite Absorbs Emotional Pain
Malachite is the stone of transformation and protection. Absorbing emotional pain, this beautiful green gemstone can be very useful when going through a change or a transition period. If you are looking for spiritual development and personal growth, this is your gemstone. Malachite brings harmony to your life. Learn to heighten your sense of intuition with intentional focus. You will become more in tuned with the events and people in your life. Express more freely about how you feel and feel comforted when emotional stress plays a role in change. Traditionally, malachite gemstone is worn to assist you in manifesting your heart’s desire.